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Course Offerings

Deep Green Resistance is pleased to announce new online enrichment course offerings through a partnership with another Old Growth Left organization, Los Altos Institute. Staff from Los Altos Institute has created a shared course calendar and registration system that we will be trying out in the January to April term of 2025.

The resource is called Calliope and maintains course listings for the courses taught by both DGR and Los Altos, as well as any other Old Growth Left organizations that may choose to join us. These conline ourse offerings are meant, in part, to bring Los Altos one step closer to their “University of the Street” vision which is an honor for DGR. You can visit the Calliope page for our full combined course listings or you can check out the courses individually.

DGR Co-Founder Derrick Jensen, is offering his thirteen-week Ecophilosphy course this spring. During that time, Stuart Parker will be teaching two six-and-a-half week courses, Thirteen Lectures on the Big Lebowski in January and February and The Green Left in March and April. Los Altos Institute is pleased to announce that they also have a new instructor, Vancouver-based novelist Nikkola Veyff who will be teaching a literature course, also in March and April- Three Muses: Surrealist Feminist Dystopias.

Get your registration completed today; courses are bound to fill up quickly!